There are some things that are great to bring back from my old blogging days and Monochrome on a Wednesday is definitely one of them. This week I thought I would try a water lily.
Monochrome Wednesday – Water Lily
Flowers can be great subjects for black and white. You just concentrate on the structure and texture of them. That means the ones that work have really good structures and/or textures.
When going through the photos that I took on my last visit to the Blue Lotus Water Gardens. There were so many photos from that trip, but not all would work in monochrome. However, I realised that quite a few of them would, but there was one that looked like it would be interesting when done in black and white.
Unusually for me, the image is just that, a black and white photo. I don’t do them like this very often, and when you look back at many of my images they nearly all have some sort of tone over them.
That is the reason why the challenge was always a monochrome one. If it was just black and white, I’m not sure tones would really work for it. I like that there is that option, which of course really suits me.
Water Lily
This is my water lily. I like the way all the petals look up. It reminds me of whales sticking out of water. They also have great shapes and the texture on the petals is really interesting. I really tried to pull that out more.
I hope you guys are enjoying the return of me doing this. If you want to contribute there is a Facebook group, TPM Photos which you can join and share your images. Of course, if you are blogging no reason why you can’t post your own. I like this challenge and it is nice to be thinking in monochrome again.
Lovely, Leanne. Nice you are back with Monochrome!
Thank you Pam, it is nice to be back doing some.
Very cool!
Thank you Margaret.
I have to admit, I stopped reading your posts when you moved to podcasts but was tempted back to see the above photograph. I always like looking closely at flowers and plants and the black and white really emphasises the shape and veins in the petals.
I was still blogging, I only did one podcast a week, and the others I did were normal. I wasn’t blogging much, but there you go. I have to agree about the monochrome version of flowers, I think they can really work as well. Thank you.
Sorry misunderstood! Have been a bit distracted in recent months.
No problem RJ, that happens. Happens to me all the time.
Wow, that texture!
It was pretty good, thanks Colonialist.
Love, love, love this LeAnne!!
That is great Carolyn, thank you.