New series of favourite images – That Wanaka Tree

I have decided to start a new series looking back at my 14 years of blogging and digital photography. Each week, I will share one of my favourite images and why I like it.

The first one I’m sharing with you was taken in 2019 on my trip to New Zealand. I’m sure it isn’t a surprise as I’ve shown this image many times. Let’s take a look.

I have this image on my desktop and I see it all the time.

While the morning had it lows with the masses of people there and one particular person being very rude to me, it was also a great morning. The mist and the fog just made the image even better for me. It was freezing cold and I remember that my feet were so cold. I had even tried to get some very warm socks, but they didn’t work. Still it was all worth it for this image.

I really like how the leaves had changed for the season and I think it helps them stand out more. I can’t remember if I put the purple hues in or it was how the image came out, but I do like them. I think the Fujifilm cameras can really enhance the colours sometimes.

The bottom branch that just misses the water is kind of cool, an image that you can’t get anymore. Apparently someone went there and cut the bottom branches off. I will never understand people. It amazes me how people think it is okay to do something like that. I fear this tree will be gone one day.

Even while we were there people I saw someone on Instagram asking people who wanted to go with him to climb the Wanaka tree. I was so angry about that. There is the potential to destroy it by climbing it and what about all the people who come from all over the world to see it and photograph it. I fear the town of Wanaka would really have a hard time as it is the most iconic thing there. Well, it was from what I could see.

So this image is a favourite. No, I’ve never had it framed as I don’t have anywhere to put it. I just like to enjoy it on my laptop and with you.

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  1. Of course that has to be a favourite, it’s a stunning shot! And I can see that it would make a great desktop image too. I do hope no one succeeds in damaging that beautiful tree!

  2. Interesting to learn more about it and the day you took. It. I have to admit that I copied a more blue toned version that you must have posted some time ago and use it in the centre of my desktop. I presumed you wouldn’t mind. I find looking at it very calming and soothing.

    1. Not sure you should be admitting to the RJ, it is kind of breach of copyright and all that. You have to be really careful doing it, or perhaps not doing it and definitely not changing the image at all. Haven’t really been sure what to say about this, sorry. I’m glad you like it.

    2. Technically no, I mean private use is also people taking your photos, printing them and putting them on their walls. Like I said, if you do that sort of thing you really should keep it to yourself, don’t let people know.

    3. Since you obviously don’t like me using it as my wallpaper. I have removed it. Instead I have made a bookmark to the original, so I can enjoy it when I wish until you take it down. This way I even get a bigger version for some reason.

    4. It is a tricky topic RJ and I don’t want to say too much here publicly. Happy to discuss with you if you don’t mind me emailing you.

  3. Good idea! And what a start! I am sure this will branch into many more magic moments as the photos twig your memory of good times in the past.

  4. Wow! This is an amazing image… so poetic, I would say!

    It is always interesting to read the story behind the image and we could imagine the ambience.

    With that information, if we look at the image again, you get a totally different feel, a chilly breezy feel 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing and looking forward to more interesting stories and beautiful images, Leanne!

    1. Thank you Sreejith.
      I like what you have written, thank you for taking the time, it is good to hear that it makes you see it differently.

  5. It’s beautiful, and its imperfection/off balanced look made it perfect. I wonder if it was done on purpose to perhaps help it stand up better or if it was done by someone seeking a souvenir. Either way it didn’t seem necessary.

  6. I remember reading about that branch being cut off. What in the heck is wrong with people?! This is such a lovely photo, Leanne.

    1. I have absolutely no idea, another tree here was destroyed, but will do a post on that soon. It is just unbelieveable. Thanks Lois.

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