Playing with textures and presets in ON1

I’m a day late with this post, but I’m sure you won’t mind. It is a processing day and I just couldn’t seem to get myself organised in time.

Then when I started I decided to play around in ON1 and just see what I could do. I need to do that more, but slowly I’m getting the hang of it. It is really good for arty type things.

Today’s video I used it to play with some presets and then added some textures to my images. I collect textures all the time and I want to get back into using them.

Anyway, take a look at today’s video.

I’m going to show you the before and after of the two images I used in the video now.

So the first one was from the Pink Lakes up near my mum’s.

And after playing with it I ended up with this.

Then I used one of the images I took of the Kata Tjuta while in Central Australia for the second one.

Then it turned out like this.

You can get some interesting results when you add textures. Not always the best results, but you get something.

I like playing around to see what I can get. Do you like doing that?

If you would like to try ON1 Photo Raw 2023 there is a link in the menu on the left. It is a special link so they know you got it from me.

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