Rosanna Train Station – Where I catch the train

Well, not quite true, I do catch it from there at certain times, but there are also times that you can’t get a park. We live too far from the station to walk and the local bus still involves a fair walk and they are so unreliable. So what I’m saying is if I can get a park in the carpark, then I catch the train from Rosanna.

When we heard they were replacing the level crossing next to the station, I think many of us were surprised. The road it is on isn’t really a major road, and while a train going to the station was an inconvenience to cars, it wasn’t really that bad. However, there was only one track between Rosanna and Heidelberg and part of all this was to put two. The reasoning being that more trains could travel through there without having to wait for a train coming in the opposite direction. I doubt there will be more trains.

So they put in the second track, no more waiting for trains on the single track. They built an elevated station and then removed the level crossing. It was a lot of work and meant the station was out of commission for quite some time.

I have never really liked what they built. I don’t know if it is the colours, or what it is. It reminds me of something that would have been done in the 70’s. That could be because of the colours. They seem almost muted, but I think that it’s supposed to reflect the bushland that surrounds the area. We are a very leafy area with lots of parks and native plants.

The photos aren’t great and I was really reluctant to process them as they were quite dark. The morning we went and did all these stations this was the first on the list. It had been raining and was still raining on and off. So you can see where the station was wet. I thought give them a go. They aren’t too bad, but really what I should do is go down there again early one morning and take some more photos. It isn’t that far away. We will see.

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    1. I do too, I just wish it wasn’t so expensive. I would love to do the train to Perth, but it is about $4K, too much for me.

  1. Well, you seem to be having work done, whether or not it’s quite what you want. Lucky you! It’s not so likely here. And I must say the colours don’t look muted to me. Or is that post-processing additions?

    1. Yeah, we are getting work done, but only so cars aren’t inconvenienced on the road, has nothing to do with the trains. could be my processing, or that it was raining. I might have to try again when it isn’t wet. Thank you Margaret.

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