Shining lights – This time lighthouses from Victoria


It is funny when you post a photo of a lighthouse and then see how many people come forward and tell you how much they also love them. They are great things to go and find to take photos of.

I wish I could say I have photographed every lighthouse along the Victorian coast, but I haven’t. So far I have only done the ones west of Melbourne. I have done one or two on the east side, but I’m sure there are a lot more to do.

I hope you enjoy this gallery of lighthouse images.

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    1. Thank you Sarah, I love that one too, almost didn’t get it, but ignored the person I was with who said it wouldn’t be a good shot. Then he saw mine and had to get it himself, I shouldn’t have shown him mine. LOL>

  1. great stuff

    βœ§β–β—ˆβ‹βœ€β™‘ 𝒃 𝒆 𝒂 𝒖 𝒕 π’Š 𝒇 𝒖 𝒍 β™‘βœ€β‹β—ˆβ–βœ§

  2. Leanne–the one with the red light shining upwards! What an amazing shot that is. Is it blowing off steam? Is that the clouds? Beautiful.

    1. I think you mean the one with the milky way coming out the top. I love that one, it was a very lucky shot. Thank you Lois.

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