Silent Sunday – A View of the city

Silent Sunday - A View of the city

For Silent Sunday today I thought I would share a photo of a view of the city. You have seen it before, but perhaps not like this.

Silent Sunday – A View of the city

This image was originally done in monochrome and I showed it to you a week or two back.

If you need to compare here is the link to that post, Monochrome Wednesday – My favourite view.

Working in colour is definitely something I much prefer, though I’ve been noticing that how much colour I use has been changing quite a bit. Not sure I got this one absolutely right, but it is always about experimenting and learning.

I’m going to leave it there for today and just show you the image. Enjoy your Sunday.

Silent Sunday - A View of the city

The image was taken with the Formatt Hitech filters and Billy, my tripod from 3 Legged Thing.

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  1. Like your “empty” city processing. I noticed your new feline assistant helping out. πŸ™‚

  2. So very beautiful, Leanne. Isn’t it interesting how different the color, or the lack of color, can make a photograph feel? In your previous post, the mood and feeling of the scene was one of a cold, or cool winter day with that soft light.

    Now in your color version, I feel like that shot was capturing a warmer spring or fall day with its warmer, vibrance.

    Or maybe I can am just weird. It is just fascinating how the mood of the image can change so much.

    1. I have to agree, it can be like that.
      That makes sense, what you have said about the warmth and coolness of the image. No not weird at all Tim, it makes perfect sense. Thank you.

  3. Very serine. Most cities look busy. This one has a sense of calm, even the reflection on the water.

  4. This color version is beautiful.
    Nevertheless I think I prefer the black & white version.
    This is interesting seeing you also experimenting with the very old question of what version is more appealing and more … matching one’s own mood and/or expectation.

    1. Thank you Reinhold. Nice to hear what your preference is.
      I used to do this a lot, but haven’t done it for a while. Maybe I should start again.

  5. Wow! There is something about this image that I absolutely love, the darkness, the white of the skyline buildings, the zombie feel like cloudiness.. From this image comes a million words, a million words that could create a story so deep.

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