Tasmanian Wanderings – Queenstown to other places and back again

Today we were all over the place. We started the morning with breakfast at Tracks in Queenstown. It was a very foggy morning and I decided to walk through town to breakfast.

Of course I took my camera with me on the walk. Now you won’t see any of those photos until I get back. I’m finding that by using my phone photos each day saves me time and makes it easier to blog with you.

After breakfast we did more walking around town so I could take more photos. I love Queenstown. It is a great place for photos.

After that we drove to Strahan for lunch. I know that might seem extreme, but it was the best place, we thought. Plus we wanted to see Strahan again as the last time we were there was in 2016.

After lunch and a quick look around we drove to Zeehan. It also has some amazing buildings. Very hard to photograph them as there always seems to be people parked in front of them. Oh well, I guess that is one of the problems with travelling, you don’t get the chance to go back and take photos again.

Once we had finished in town we went to the Spray tunnel. Interesting tunnel from the days of mining in the area. I think they were mining silver there. Interesting place to visit and the road to it and back was nice too. I ended up walking some of it so I could take photos.

Then it was back to Queenstown.

The New Moon is in a couple of days or nights and I’m going to go out tonight to see if I can capture anything. Wish me luck.

Tomorrow we leave for a new place, looking forward to the next destination.

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