Tasmanian Wanderings – Trying to get to Queenstown

The day started with a pink sunrise.

After that we went for a drive through the Tarkine. We decided to stop at Trowutta Arch to check it out.

It meant a lovely walk through a rainforest.

Then we got to the arch, it was really beautiful and peaceful. I have to say that is one thing I am loving about visiting now, there aren’t a lot of people around, or that could be because of where we are.

After this we stopped quickly at a sink hole that has filled up with water.

Then we started the long road to Corinna. It was hard going with most of the road to Zeehan being dirt. We had some interesting bits, but got there in the end.

We went there to catch the punt or barge across the river.

It was a fun experience.

There was more dirt roads on the other side, but thankfully not all the way to Zeehan.

We finally made it to Queenstown and our accommodation just after 3.

You might remember this view. It was one I took almost 8 years ago when I was first there. Then I took this one this afternoon when I was walking around the town. It seems it hasn’t changed a lot.

So we have completed our 4th day. We have been having a great time so far.

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