The Bees Knees and Getting Back into Things


It seems like I just did a blog post and I did, but I really need to do something, so I’m trying to get back into things again. I also thought I would show a couple of photos from the Lotus garden, ones with bees.


Getting Back into Things

I have to say, this isn’t something I haven’t shared before, but I need to say it again. I have struggled with all this, really for the last few years. My trip to the US really did something to me. Actually, that isn’t true, it was just a coincidence.

Anyway, I do feel like I’ve been flailing around since then and not sure what to do. I stopped posting every day, and I do think that was the death of me, so to speak. So I have decided that I want to go back to doing it every day again. A challenge in some ways.

When I was doing that I was so much more in tune with it. It was enjoyable. I knew each day I had to do something. It has to be said that I am not really an organised person, but apparently, I need some sort of routine to get stuff done. I don’t want to stop blogging, and I have to do what works for me.

I know there are going to be people out there that are not happy with this decision, but at the end of the day, I feel I need to do what is best for me. What I will post is uncertain yet, it could just be a photo each day, maybe more. I might start looking at artists again, who knows. This time it will just be organic and it will grow. I do really hope you will stick around and enjoy it as well.

The Bees Knees

Bees are so funny. Who couldn’t sit and watch them rolling around in flowers all day? Getting great photos of them is another thing. I like trying to get them flying, but that is almost impossible. Though on a recent trip to the lotus gardens I found some in flowers and was surprised I managed to get a couple of them doing that.

Only two photos today. Enjoy your day.


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  1. Beautiful images, my friend, these images really get to me, they feel like very real photography. By all means post daily, I do, more or less (at least 5 pics/week), and its quite hard work, but it does really bring a lot of motivation.

    LOL!!! >>> and if there are ARE those out there who are not happy with your decision, well b***** them!!!! >>> we are all different, and we must all do what is best for us >>> go for it!!! Adrian πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Adrian, always appreciate your take on things. It is the motivation I’m hoping for, I really need that right now. It is why I started blogging 9 years ago.
      Yes, I think I will have to take on your advice, absolutely.Thank you. πŸ˜€

  2. So glad to see you back. Such lovely photos of the bees and the flowers. Praying you find your mojo…. you are such an inspiration. Do what works for you and it will surely have a flow in effect.

    1. Thank you Jan, I have to say it feels good to be getting back into it all. I think my mojo is slowly coming back and I’m trying to plan more outings with the camera.

  3. Sometimes its the small things that keep you inspired! Photo business can bee πŸ™‚ hard biz to eek out a living at but the artisrtic and creative side is very rewarding when you’re doing somethin you love. Leanne, enjoy seeing your work.

    1. So try Jack. I’m having fun just enjoying my photography and planning some things. It is nice. The stress is gone. No idea where I will go, but that is fine. You are so right, the artistic side is so rewarding, I love it. Thank you Jack.

  4. Very nice image, Leanne. I love the clarity, colour and contrast. Good to see a post again. Don’t force it, just do what feels right. If you enjoy your photography again it will be enjoyable for your readers also.

    1. Thank you Chris, good to get bees, such a challenge. It is nice, I really want to get back into it, I really need to post each day I think, at least for the next little while, I will reassess after that.

  5. I find it very interesting that I’ve been considering much the same type of questions. Recently I’ve started applying some similar strategies with blogging & posting a daily photo. Both of these are in many ways more for myself than others. I say “just do it”! πŸ™‚

    1. That is interesting Craig and sounds like we have come to similar conclusions. Thank you, I think I will do that. πŸ˜€

  6. I’m glad we’ll be hearing from you again. Last year was a little blah for me too – so I started a 365 project January 1. I hope I can see it through. I’m enjoying it so far which is what it’s about. Anyway – I look forward to your posts!!

    1. Thank you Nora, that is good to hear, I really need to get on top of it all again. I should have done the same thing, but I will try and do it for the rest of the year. Absolutely, enjoying is very much wanted. I am hoping it will help me find my mojo again as well.

  7. I am glad you are back Leanne and I look forward to seeing your stunning posts and reading what you say! InspirationalπŸ‘

  8. The Bees Knees….that catchy title was fun! I think I have one bee photo that is not a blur. These are wonderful, Leanne.

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