Over on Visual Venturing Stacy has started a new series of posts where you show the original image and then the after, so people can see what you have done. Someone asked me to do this for this image I think it was. So here is the before image. I saw this in the city a couple of weeks ago when I was doing a One on One with a client. We went exploring old parts of the city. I liked the juxtaposition of the old building in front of the newer skyscrapers. I found I couldn’t take my eyes off it, then I started playing with it.
This is what I ended up with. I put in a new sky, so it wouldn’t be white and yuck. I also played with the colours quite a bit. You can see that I got rid of the horrible power line cutting across the image. I also played with the light. I am trying to do some things that resemble some movies, I like the colours that they use in them, so I have been trying to work out how to replicate that effect So blues and yellows. I did desaturate it a little, but not a lot. I also tried blurring some aspects of it.
I think that is what I was meant to do, I should have recorded what I did with a video, but didn’t quite make it. I didn’t think I would do so much on this image. Just goes to show, you never know. I put this image up on Google+ and it received one of the best receptions, actually the best, I’ve ever got with an image from there. If you haven’t checked out Google+ you should, there is some amazing work going on over there, I get so much inspiration from the images there.
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Nicely done. Not overly processed!
Thank you.
Leanne, thanks so much for participating in ABFriday. I don’t know how you found the time, but I am so glad you did! I love hearing your thoughts behind this wonderful photo, and of course, seeing how you were able to transform the before is very instructive. I would love to know how you added a new sky, as I would sure like to have this trick up my sleeve for the times the sky (or my capture of it) is less than stellar. Did you use Photoshop? I really am only skilled in PS for advanced cloning and healing – the entries for ABFriday that use Photoshop have been really instructive, but your technique is not one that has been showcased. Great photo – love the old versus the new and your color palette!
Thank you Stacy for allowing me the opportunity. Adding new skies isn’t at all hard, just layering things really. I might see if I can do a video on it for you, of course I would have to talk in the video, always scary. Yes, I did use Photoshop for it.
Hi, Leanne, I saw this on Stacy Fischer’s ABFRiday Forum and I really like what you have done with this image. The warm tones and new sky really transform the picture into a striking image. Quick Question: How do I find you on Google+?
Thank you Robin, I like what happened with it as well. I have seen that you have found me on G+, you will get to see some things before they go on my blog now.