When places remind you of movies – Hunger Games

There are things happening in small towns that are devastating and it is sad to see them declining. Especially so when you know these places were once thriving.

Queenstown in Tasmania is one of those towns.  In the past, it was a mining town and I imagine it was probably a large town when you look at the flash buildings that are there and how many shops there are. So many of them are now closed, but you can see that it was a big town.

The other thing you see is the decline when you drive around the streets. The old buildings and homes that don’t look as wonderful as they did many years ago. It kind of reminds you of a ghost town, but it isn’t one. There are still lots of people there.

It is also one of my favourite places in Tasmania. I was reluctant to do this post because I don’t want you to think that I don’t respect the town, I do. It is just sad what is happening there and many other small towns like it.

When I was walking around taking photos I kept thinking of the movie Hunger Games and the town that Katniss grew up in. Then I hear the music that starts the first film.

Today I have found a selection of images that I think best shows what I’m talking about. I also found a YouTube video of the music, so you can listen to it when you look at the photos. Then you can tell me what you think.

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    1. It really does, it is kind of sad, but at the same time a great place for photographers to visit I think. Thank you Anne.

  1. I appreciate your concern about showing what you see, what makes you sad, but doing it with respect. Did you ever read the classic “Now Let Us Praise Famous Men,” the photojournalism book about time spent with southern US sharecroppers during the Great Depression? An example of how to show scenes of great loss and deprivation, honestly yet respectfully, never robbing the individuals of their dignity.

    1. Thank you Penny. I hope I did it with respect. I haven’t heard of taht book, it would have a tough thing to report on I think.

  2. Perhaps the town will be full of business and people again in the future, Leanne. Think positive. 😊🇦🇺

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