Some tips for getting good night photos
After the post I did on the night time cityscapes I had a request to give some tips on doing night photography. So I am going to give you some tips and hopefully, they will […]
After the post I did on the night time cityscapes I had a request to give some tips on doing night photography. So I am going to give you some tips and hopefully, they will […]
The other day I went to an event and it was about creative portraiture or conceptual photography. I tend to call conceptual photography Fine Art Photography. The event was to teach people how to do […]
A lot of people who start photography think they need a wide angle lens, especially for landscape photography,as part of a new series I want to start, photography tips, so I am going to do this […]
Photography has been something that I have enjoyed for a very long time, though there are different types, and Landscape Photography has been something that I never used to like, but in the last couple […]
On the weekend I was asked by Amy from THE WORLD IS A BOOK… if I could write a post on how I photography tips on waterfalls. It isn’t something I have really thought about, but I […]
Recently, I’ve been talking about this quite a bit, car boot photography. It is something that I really enjoy doing, and something I have to thank Moose Peterson for introducing me to. It is […]
Last week when I was in Apollo Bay we went to a couple of different rainforests, and, of course, took photos of them. I have never really tried to photograph them before, and I have […]
When I teach I hear this so much. This idea that to be a real photographer you need to use Manual Mode all the time. Well, I think I am a real photographer and I […]
I have already done this post but the new formating things I’m trying completely deleted all my content and I was left with just a gallery. So forgive me if this post seems rather short. […]
When I am teaching one of the things I try to get through to my students is about intention, basically why are you taking the image. Intention At school now, when students write something they […]
Since I’ve been teaching I have heard many times how people think that night photography is really hard. I thought perhaps I might give away the secret of night photography. When I am teaching […]
Everyone wants to take photos of sunrises and more want to get a good sunset. I did a quick post last weekend on how I get the colours of those, and today I thought I […]
I showed some photos today on my main blog of the Milky Way, that I photographed last night and I have had quite a few people ask me what settings I used, so I thought […]
The other day I went to an event and it was about creative portraiture, or conceptual photography. I tend to call conceptual photography Fine Art Photography. The event was to teach people how to do […]
This morning I went out early to see if I could get a sunrise, I have written a post about this already, Weekend Wanderings – Sunrise Over the Flats, but I thought I might talk about how […]
Today I was teaching a photography class and we were looking at Portrait photography. I try to give my students as much information as I can about photographing people. I know that portrait photography is […]