Floral Friday – A Chrysanthemum kind of day

Did I tell you that I got more chrysanthemums?

I wouldn’t say they are my favourite flower, but they are up there near the top. I love so many different flowers. I have to admit one thing that gets me is the name of flowers. The same with trees. If they have interesting or funny names I often want to plant them.

We are in Autumn now and that means it is time for Chrysanthemums. I bought 8. I have planted 4 in pots and put the other 4 in the garden. Time will tell next spring if I still have all of them.

Only a few of them have come out so far, so I prepared three images for you. I hope you like them.

The images were taken with my Fujifilm X-T3 and my 80mm macro lens.

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  1. I love finding out the names of flowers. Some of them are so strange. Some are even harder to spell so I always have to laugh when our garden centers advertise these flowers only as ‘mums.’ Whew! Relieves a whole lot of spelling errors.

    1. They are very strange. I have lots of Lilly Pillies in my garden because of the name. They are trees though. I always think of Anne of Green Gables with them, the spelling contest. Though they are easy to spell Chrys-an-the-mums.
      Thank you Lois.

  2. Beautiful flowers, Leanne! We are just coming into summer here, 86F today. It won’t be long until it’s over 100F every day. 🌴😎🌞πŸ”₯

    1. Thank you John. We are most definitely heading into winter, even had to turn the heater on a couple of times. You stay cool and I’ll stay warm. 😎

    2. I am not big on the heat, it has be really cold for me to turn it on, which drives Dave nuts. The AC, doesn’t take much for me to put that on. I like this time of the year where you rarely need either of them.

  3. Lovely shots! It takes patience to plant flowering plants and more patience to take pictures and develop them. You could say the pictures of such pretty flowers are the fruit of your labor! πŸ‘πŸ‘

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