Floral Friday – Giving older images a new look

So it is still cold and winter is still with us so not so many flowers. I was trying to work out what I could do today for this post. Then I remembered yesterday’s post and thought what if I change some of my older photos of flowers and give them a new look?

So here are three of those images.

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    1. I don’t think it is that cold, your zero is like -10 or something here, okay I will look it up. So -2 is 28F and your 0 is -18

    2. Yeah exactly. We are almost as south as you can get in Australia, except for Tasmania. We build houses to have windows facing north, while you do them facing south. We are opposite in many ways. The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west though.

    3. Yeah we are, 17 hours ahead, it is a strange world. You can email me John if you want to talk about Australia, I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

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