Floral Friday – Revisiting some old macro photos


There still aren’t many flowers in my garden so I thought we could just revisit some I’ve shown before. I tried to pick ones that I haven’t shown recently, but you know my brain doesn’t always work well. I hope you enjoy these.

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  1. Oh, these are all gorgeous, and such a bright spot in my afternoon (US East coast time). The second one (all the bunches of white) is my favorite.

  2. Wonderful photos! Makes me want to dig out my macro lens. Indeed, my camera itself. I’ve become too lazy and just use my cellphone camera now. I know, I know. Bad Julie. Bad!!

    1. Thank you Julie, sounds like you should dig it out. No, not bad Julie, I guess it depends on what you want to get out of your photography. I don’t really like the photos I get from my phone, so I like to use my camera. YOu do what you want to do.

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