Floral Friday – The orange flowers in the backyard

I was out in the garden yesterday and around my greenhouse are these orange flowers. I believe they are called Calendulas and they are growing everywhere.

I don’t pull them out because I don’t mind flowers growing everywhere, better than weeds. Funny story though when I tried to grow them they didn’t work. No idea how I ended up with them. I suspect one of those packs that have lots of mixed flowers must have had them. I guess the moral, if there is one, is sometimes you shouldn’t try and grow some things, or not stress about it.

When I was photographing them I realised they don’t all grow the same, so I took images of 3 different ones which I am sharing with you today. I hope you enjoy them.

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    1. I hope so RJ, I like seeing them. Today I dug up some plants from the back and planted them out the front so I’ll see I can get them out there too. Thank you.

    1. I think so too Carol, I should see if I can get them going in my front garden too. I love it when flowers just spring up, always a surprise. Thank you Carol.

  1. Calendulas are very hardy so I’m surprised that when you tried to grow them yourself, they died. Perhaps it was the soil? I’ve had one flowering through most of the winter too.

    1. Who knows Vicki, no idea, but I have them growing now, lol. These have been flowering for a long time too, once they start it seems they don’t stop. The packet said to start them in punnets, but maybe I should have just planted them in the garden. Thank you Vicki.

  2. They all have different personalities! I feel the same way you do. When I try to grow something, it doesn’t work. It just has to happen. lol.
    I have an aloe plant that was thriving but now it’s turning yellow and aloe leaves dry. Culprit is overwatering, I suspect.

    1. I like the idea of the personalities Esther. Yes, succulents like Aloe have to be watered sparingly. I have mine in a try and I just fill that up so it can take water when it wants. Thank you Esther.

  3. Have a neighbor who bought a watermelon. It was horrible he said, bad he said. But, he threw in the backyard for the birds. He now has 40 watermelon that are horrid, and bad.😂🤣😂. I know there’s a moral in there somewhere, I’ll figure it out when I stop laughing.

    1. I can almost not stop laughing enough to respond Ted, great story. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. It gets better…we were just on the edge of a very big hurricane. No power, big trees down all around us (missed hitting anything somehow). We think the heavy winds have taken the piles of seeds and gifted the bounty to neighbors. Good chance we are having a remake of ‘the little shop of horrors’. 😂😂. Or Frankenstein if the towns folk come down the road with torches and pitchforks. 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

    3. Hurricane Helene turned out to be huge. South and West of the SC coast was hit hard. Some small towns are pretty much gone. My town, Charleston, had the usually high tides, but high winds and rain. Spent half the night awake watching for Tornadoes, which luckily didn’t touch down. Trees down, no real damage. Dodged a bullet again

    4. I shouldn’t say this, but I do love watching the videos, I’m addicted to tornado ones and hurricanes. I think it is because we don’t really get any of that here. Melbourne is pretty safe from most natural disasters.

    5. For the most part you can look at them in the abstract, it’s normal. I always did, and in some case still do. Now when the wind actually howls, and something hits the ground so hard your house shakes. Then it’s getting real. I have been looking at videos/news and seeing places I have been in 😳, in the past few years.

    6. Our area, and the coast in general came out in good shape, some rough spots but the coast is prepared. The western parts of both South and North Carolina were devastated, the only description I can think of. Tourist towns disappeared, the city of Asheville NC was like almost destroyed and completely cut off. Roads gone, no power, no cell. The mountains turned to mud and slide down into towns and cities. In one spot they are using Mules to pack in supplies 😳.

      Ironic since this area of the US was considered to be a good place to move away from climate issues. Right now I’m on the North Carolina coast, my porch on the water and you would never know anything. Exact opposite of the norm. 😵‍💫

    7. Oh wow, my brother in law has just moved to the mountains in NC for that reason, supposed to be safe from all that. I haven’t heard if he is okay. I guess we are not safe anywhere really, well except for Melbourne, where I live, lol.

    8. Hoping he is safe. Hard to believe that in this day and age the area is completely without communications. I have again read they are still using mules to pack in supplies. The rural south is very poor, even in this country, so these areas will not be inhabited any time soon. Some of the local response has been great, others truly ‘red neck’.

    9. Yes, we have heard from him and he is safe and they didn’t get much damage, apparently just the back fence. I can’t believe they are using mules, what about helicopters? I hate hearing about poor areas being devastated and that they are now basically homeless. I hope they get help.

    10. I was watching a video today that was saying there aren’t enough helicopters and the gov isn’t sending any. So most of them are civilian and they are concentrating on saving people and getting them out.

    11. From what I’ve seen there might be too many aircraft. A small rural airport, handles 2,3 planes a day now has over 70 different aircraft. Some helicopters can lower supplies, some can’t get low enough due to debris. One got run off by horses running across a field 😳. Many of the places that I’ve been just don’t exist anymore. In general…a disaster that the politicians are starting to use for their own purposes. How the mighty “……….

    12. That is interesting, I mean I really have no idea except that it sounds really bad. I have started seeing the BS with the politicians there. Exactly.
      The story I heard about the helicopters were they were flying around looking for people who needed help, not bringing supplies.

  4. Your morning emails are so uplifting to me. These are stunning. I’m unpacking and found notes from a Photoshop class I took. I think it’s time to restart my subscription. You are inspiring me!

    1. That’s great to hear Nicci, thank you. Well you know you can always ask me if you need help. How is the moving going?

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