Lens Artist Challenge #292 – People Here, There & Everywhere

When I saw that the challenge this week was people, I was kind of like, well, that doesn’t help me. I don’t photograph people. However, it hasn’t always been the case. I don’t know that I can do what the challenge is exactly, but I like participating, so I am going to give it a go with some that I have done. So maybe my post is more People Here.

I have done a little street photography, not a lot, but I have been known to go out with a friend or two to do it. It is not something I really enjoy doing. I hate having my photo taken so I don’t like doing it to other people. I would never ask for consent, well that would be horribly embarrassing. I just chuck on a long lens and hope to get people without them realising it.

So I hope this fits Tina’s brief for people. As I said it was a really hard one for me as a photographer who has done her best to never include people in her photos. lol

Here is a gallery of one afternoon that I spent in the city just doing street photography.

I did try my hand at doing, I don’t know what you would call them, fine art portraits maybe. I did them for a year or so back in 2013 I think it was. I tried doing things and I think it was when I thought maybe I can make money from photographing people. However, like many of my endeavours, it didn’t pan out.

I just don’t feel comfortable photographing people, so I think that was also the problem. I always felt out of my element.

There were lots of people doing this sort of thing back then, but in the end, I gave up and started doing the stuff that I really loved doing. So these are throwbacks to that time. I hope that is okay.

I would like to thank Tina for being our host this week and you can find Tina on her blog Travels and Trifles.

If you would like to participate weekly in our Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. I love all your street photography, mostly because I think we can capture who “they” are along with the emotion they bring to a photo. I still liked your older photos, especially the one with the red hair swirl in front of the girl’s face. This was a bit out of the comfort zone for many. You showcased it well. Always great from you, Leanne.

    1. Thank you Donna, it really was out of my comfort zone. I always feel totally out of my element when I am photographing people, whether they know or not. The red haired girl is my daughter and it was really windy.

  2. I think I started following you when you were doing your people photos. I always loved them and your unique style with them. It’s nice to see some of them again

  3. Wow, cool. As a Russian person, I will say that I see a wonderful theme for “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov.

  4. There’s an edginess to your portraits that is still there in your other subjects. I have to say that you’re as good with portraits but if the love is not there, nothing can be done. We are lucky that you decided to shared them with us, I’ve found them inspiring.

    1. That is true Sofia, you have to love what you are photographing. I am glad you enjoyed seeing them and thank you so much Sofia.

  5. I can echo Tina’s comment, Leanne. Your eye for composition and editing talent are apparent even with subjects that make you uncomfortable. I share your feelings about street photography and I also try to hide the fact that I might be photographing someone.
    I envy a photographer friend who has no reservations about walking up to a stranger and asking to photograph him or her. I wish I could be that forward.

    1. Thank you John. I have to admit, as a friend said to me once, I did a fine arts degree and we spent 3 years learning about composition. It is so uncomfortable when someone realises you are trying to photograph them, I don’t like that.
      I have a friend like that too. Though I have never like that kind of street portrait, I like getting people doing things.

    1. It isn’t that I don’t like them Ritva, more that I don’t like doing them. Thank you, I’ve spent many years learning my craft.

  6. It is very difficult indeed for taking photos of people if we are not used to it. For this challenge, I tried to submit some “people” photos I took in the past, but it is few and far between.

    On the bright side, fine art portraits are definitely in your element since it all looks great 🙂

  7. Lovely photos all, Leanne, and I agree with you. I’m not okay with photographing people unless they are a ways off and don’t know they are being photographed. I think the young ladies are your daughters? The photos look familiar. Have a great new week! 😊🇦🇺👍🏻

    1. That is exactly what I do John, I like being a long way away with a long lens. Well one of my daughters is there, she is the one with the flowing cloak, her face hidden and then again with the red hood. Thank you John.

  8. I don’t do street photography because I have found it to be very dangerous. Yes, I’ve been threatened simply for having a camera in hand. In every instance, I was minding my own business photographing birds or something.

    People do not like having their photo taken by a stranger. Frankly, I’m in awe of photographers who can pull this off. There’s a guy in New York who posts images from the subway. I’m surprised he hasn’t been shot or stabbed.

    Also, I’m somewhat curious about the “Thursday Doors” challenges. I tried that once and a guy jumped out his front door waving his fist. Another time, someone called the police and accused me of prowling the neighborhood.

    How others on WordPress capture these images without suffering bodily harm is beyond me.

    1. Oh no, sounds like you have had a terrible time David. I just look away if people notice I am taking their photo. I don’t make eye contact, and I use a long lens.
      Thankfully none of that has happened here to me. Sorry to hear you have had a hard time with it.
      Thank you.

  9. I love your street photography Leanne! You seem to capture people and their actions at the right time. My favorites are the guy taking a couple’s picture and the guy walking past an alley. I remember when you were taking most of these portraits. They were more than just portraits, they were an artists’ conception. Loved this post.

    1. Thank you Anne, yeah, it is me standing a long way away and hoping they don’t notice me. I did have fun with those portraits but I ran out of people to use, lol.

  10. Well Leanne, you may not like it but you clearly have a talent for it! I loved the image of the guy taking a photo, the woman with her computer, and the feet on the newspaper in the first set. In the second set I was drawn to the woman in the hood and barefoot bride. Most of us aspire to images like any one of those. Thanks as always for sharing your work with us.

    1. Thank you Tina, I just wait until people aren’t looking at me and I do it with a 300mm zoon. lol. The woman in the hood is my daughter, and the other one was a friend. Thank you for hosting Tina, it was a challenge this one for me.

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