Lens Artists Challenge #291 – Cityscapes

Wow, this challenge was made for me, I think. I love doing cityscapes and I need to say right now that I am going to have trouble picking and might end up with too many.

Patti from P.A. Moed has given up this challenge and is our host this week. So please go and check out the challenge and photos here.

When I started looking to see what photos I could show of Melbourne, well where do I begin and how do I stop? I have been doing cityscapes in Melbourne for over 14 years and I have thousands of them. Melbourne has always been one of my favourite subjects.

I stopped myself at 16, but I might do another post during the week and show some more. I love looking back on my Melbourne images. There are some great memories and times spent with friends doing them.

Here is my first gallery of Melbourne.

However, while I do love photographing Melbourne I have had the opportunity to photograph a couple of other cities. So the following gallery is from the time I was in the USA, back in 2015. The first couple of photos are from San Francisco. I didn’t get a lot of opportunities for cityscapes there as I tended to photograph other places around the city. It is a lovely city and I enjoyed visiting.

I have a larger number of images from New York. Let’s face it when you go to New York you know you will be doing lots of cityscapes. I have days and days of photos from it, but have picked these. I met lots of people there and they all took me to different places. It is a city that has to be seen to be believed. Meaning, you hear it is large, but until you go there you really don’t have any idea how large it is. Makes Melbourne seem very small in comparison. Well Melbourne is.

So here is my gallery from my trip abroad.

I keep thinking of images that I have missed, but I will have to do some more posts on cityscapes I think. Not necessarily for the challenge, but because I love cityscapes.

Thank you Patti for being our host this week and coming up with a  great challenge, well for me. Please go and check out Patti’s post here, especially if you want to participate.

If you would like to participate weekly in our Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. America here, your gallery is beautiful, especially the storm clouds over the bridge! I’m following to see what else you will post

  2. Wow Leanne. Melbourne looks very sharp on the eye. The city lights look so beautiful and amazing🔥🎆👌👌👌

    Great photography all in all my friend🎆

  3. I’m at a loss for words. The images are absolutely brilliant and inspiring. Obviously, you have great skill in getting these amazing shots but your edits are perfect as well, not overcooked at all and the images just ooze class. Your photos make me want to be better and to get out to take cityscape shots, which is saying something considering how much I generally avoid cities. Thanks so much for sharing and motivating others through your work!

    1. Thank you, that is really nice of you to say. It is really nice to be able to inspire others, I do enjoy that. You’re very welcome.

  4. Right up your alley – yes! So, now I am enjoying your cityscapes over and over again – you are such an amazing artist, Leanne. I love all your Melbourne images, and did not expect other cities – but they are gorgeous too. So glad you are joining in – you are the best!

    1. Yeah, I was like, this is me absolutely. I’m glad you are enjoying them Ann-Christine. Thank you so much, that is nice of your to say. I have to say I do enjoy this challenge, more than I thought I would.

  5. I immediately thought of you Leanne for this challenge and was waiting for your post, knowing that you’d be brilliant. You didn’t disappoint. I love the mood, so typical of your photography style.

  6. Beautiful cityscapes. So much atmosphere. I think my favorite is Hosier Lane. It is so mysterious and while the viewer is pulled down the lane, they want to draw back because they are unsure what they will find.

    1. Thank you Marie, I had to do quite a bit of work on that one to get it to look like that. I love your description, it is brilliant.

  7. Great great GREAT photos, as always. Dramatic skies, reflections, and color are among your signature forte. Outstanding.

  8. You surprised me by including San Francisco and New York! But I’m not at all surprised that you’ve shared wonderful galleries, Leanne. The lighting in your images is always spectacular. Of course, I loved your NYC images–a place I called home for many years.

    1. Haha, you surprised me with your images of Melbourne Patti, I wasn’t expecting those. Thank you for choosing cityscapes great challenge for me. That is nice of you to say, NYC would be an interesting place to live in I think.

  9. Gorgeous galleries Leanne. I’m partial to your night shots but they are all wonderful. I found myself looking several times at the header before viewing the rest of the post and was amazed at how much Melbourne looked like NYC. Well whaddya know, it IS New York. I feel SO much better 😊.

    1. Thank you Tina. If you like the night shots then you might be pleasantly surprised in a couple of days. Yes, the header image is one of my favourite images from New York, taken on the Staten Island ferry. Yeah, I was very lucky to go there in 2015, an amazing place. 😀

  10. All very beautiful photos, Leanne! Your work always amaze me. I’ve never been to New York…

    1. You’re welcome, Leanne. I wish I could create photos like yours. From my home county in Michigan my guess is that the trip to NYC could take two days depending on how fast you drive. I’m retired so there’s no hurry. 😂🍻

    2. You could create them JOhn, you just need to spend a few years learning photoshop. Two days, so it is a lot further away than I thought it would be. Definitely no hurry, maybe you should do it one day.

    3. I have thought purchasing a small travel van suitable for one or two people to travel the country. NYC would be on the list. So much to see and learn! A few years? I can’t do that so so perhaps my passion doesn’t run as deep as yours? 🫣

    4. Funny you should say that John, I was just telling a friend that I would like to do the same, but here. As you know Australia is a big country too, so a lot to see where. Why can’t you do it John?

    5. That is very true, you need a lot of money, well unless you want to build it out yourself. I think it is cheaper that way. Does your sister use hers all the time, maybe you could borrow it.

    6. I am not good at things like rebuilding a van for that purpose. I’d rather buy one used that is already set up. My sister lives in Michigan but I would never ask to borrow that van, it’s beautiful! 😍

    7. Maybe keep an eye John, people do sell them, so you might be able to pick up one fairly cheap, I don’t know. Maybe try renting one for a couple of weeks and go on a trip and see what you think. I think that is what I would do first.

  11. Hello Leanne, thoroughly enjoyed this post, in fact it looks like many post in one!

    The cityscapes have got a different mood when they are a little under exposed and the cover image is the best example.

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

    1. Thank you Sreejith, have to admit I had a hard time stopping once I started looking for photos.
      Glad you like them, though not under exposed, they have made to look like that on purpose.

  12. When I saw the upcoming theme on the team calendar, I thought to myself that Leanne will have some spectacular examples of her home city. I was pleasantly surprised to see some other city views as well.

    1. This was my challenge really, one as soon as I saw it I knew I wouldn’t have any trouble finding images for it, maybe the opposite really. I have been lucky to photograph some other cities. Thank you so much John.

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