Lens Artists Challenge #297 – Music to My Eyes


This was another challenge that I thought maybe I wouldn’t do it, but the more I thought about it the more I realised I could do something.

The challenge this week is from Egidio and I guess he wants us to show images that make us think of songs. I hope that is right.

I don’t think of music when I think of my images. I have always thought of mine as being quiet or silent. Once I went that way I remembered that song The Sound of Silence and the cover that was done by the band Disturbed. I wanted to include a YouTube video of the song so you can listen to it as well, if you wanted to. Plus the video clip is incredible. I love what they did and would love to create images like it.

So here are some of my quiet or silent images.

I hope you see the silence as well.

I won’t be doing the challenge for the next couple of weeks while I’m away. I will catch up again after Tasmania.

Thank you Egidio for being our host this week. It was an interesting challenge.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. Beautiful photos and great response to the theme! I like that version of the song too however the original takes me back to my teen years!

  2. I love the take on your response. I was a big fan of the original, but I enjoy Disturbed’s version as well, though I miss the harmony of the duet.
    Safe travels, we’ll miss your input while you are away.

    1. I like their version, but I”m sure it has more to do with the video clip. Thank you so much John, still lots of packing to do.

  3. Fabulous Leanne, great photos and I love that version. I was going to use it if I didn’t go down the Stones path 😀

  4. You couldn’t have picked a better song to compliment your images, Leanne. I love the song, and to see your images with it makes it even more special. Have a great travel!

  5. Leanne, what an amazing choice of a song to pair with your outstanding images! Even the video monochrome style matches the photos. Yes, I hear the silence in the photos. Stunning! I’m so happy you found time to participate in the challenge. Have a fun and safe trip to Tasmania!

  6. Great post to start off your vacation Leanne. It’s funny, although I haven’t written it yet, “The Sound of Silence” will be in my post also. It’s also been in a few of the posts I’ve already visited. It’s amazing that Paul Simon’s song could reverberate all over the world.

  7. Wonderful interpretation of the challenge Leanne, images are terrific as always and really speak to the song and vice versa. Enjoy your travels!

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