Monochrome Madness #8 – Windows

The theme this week has been set for us by Dawn, from The Day After. She thought Windows would be a good challenge and I have to agree.

There are really windows in every building and those that don’t have them, well would you want to be in them. Not me.

I thought maybe just do images of actual windows, but then we use windows to look through as well, so I thought I would do both.

I have found some photos of windows, but I also have some images where we are looking though them. One is the Eureka Skydeck so looking out over the city, but also of some other windows.

Another image was taken at Bodie of the school room. I loved the school room but the dust on the glass of the windows made it very hard to photograph. I thought I would never be able to use the image of the globe, but it was perfect for this challenge. Windows can make photography really hard.

The other images are actually windows. Two are from up where my mum is and those buildings are no longer there. The other was taken at a historic place in the Northern Territory.

I would like to thank Dawn for being our host this week and setting us this challenge.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.


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    1. Yeah, I have got it so that you can’t comment on posts that are more than 2 months old. A friend suggested it and it has stopped the amount of spam I get by a huge amount. It is great in that sense.
      Thanks I will check it out soon.

  1. All very atmospheric but the ones that caught my attention today were the one of just the window, framed by its frame, and the one on the bottom right, with some sort of globe.


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