One Four Challenge for December Week 1


Robyn’s One Four challenge is starting again for the month of December.  I was going to see if I could find a Christmas image, but I couldn’t find anything that I thought I wanted to process several times.  In the end for the One Four Challenge for December Week 1 I thought I would use an image I did last week.  It was an image that I already showed on my other blog, but I like the challenge of trying to do different things to it each week.


I made it black and white the first time, and I have some further ideas, the challenge will be if I can come up with another 3 different processes. Last month I did really well until it got to the last week, and then I really struggled to come up with something for the final week.  In the end it was probably the best one and the one liked by most people.

With this image I had wanted to show the isolation and some how the heat of the day. I liked how the black and white treatment emphasises the tree.

I will put a gallery showing the original and this one as well.  Don’t forget to go and check Robyn’s image and look for the pingbacks for the images that others have done as well.  One Four Challenge – Dec wk 1

I just need to let people know too, that you can comment on it, and while it doesn’t look like anything happens when you do, it does.  I get all the comments, though I haven’t had time to approve and respond to them yet.  I don’t know why that blog is so weird to leave comments on.  I will have to get onto the developers and see what they can work out.

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  1. Love the B&W Leanne. It takes away the washed out look to the ground and adds some detail there but with the tree retaining its dominant position. The highlights on the tree really come out in B&W and yes poor sheep indeed.

    1. Thanks Lee, I think the tree does look more dominant in the mono effect. I am glad you noticed the highlights, I spent quite a big of time on them. The sheep had been recently shorn which was nice, and there were actually quite a few trees for them to get shade from.

  2. Really like your B&W version, Leanne, so much more dramatic, and the focus is on the tree, not the sundrenched background like in the original. Chris

    PS It seems the only way to see your post is here; it does not appear under the One Four Challenge tag in the Reader. Not sure why that is.

    1. Thanks Chris, I agree about the focus.
      I don’t know why that happens either, it might be because this blog is self hosted, I hope the pingback comes up on Robyn’s blog.

  3. I’m so glad you used this image Leanne – I loved it when I first saw it, love what youve done this week and am looking forward to the following weeks.
    I definitely get a feeling of the only shade in the heat of the day – within the wide open space and with the goat/sheep under the tree .
    Love the black and white and the sense of drama it creates.

    1. Thank you Robyn, it was one that stood out, and I am looking forward to seeing what else I can do.
      It was pretty much that, the only shade, the poor sheep, though there was a heap of trees down the back and they ended up there.

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