One Image 4 Ways – Repeating one of the original challenges Week 2

Here is the second week of the challenge that I did back in 2014 when my friend Robyn was running this challenge. It is funny to read. 

Since I have that plugin for before and after, I decided to use it for this post, too, and I will try to remember to do it from now on.

Here is the original image.

When I picked the tree image, I thought I wouldn’t have any problems trying to figure out four ways to process it, but I think I need to start thinking about this a little more. Next time, I will have to pick an image that I am fairly certain will work a lot better.

This week’s effort: I knew I wanted to try and make the tree bigger, and I wanted a washed-out colour look. I think I ended up with more of a monochrome look, but I don’t mind it too much. I wanted to see if I could overexaggerate an Australian summer day. I haven’t done that this time, but it is something I want to keep trying.

I have two more weeks to do something with this image.  I am glad I have another week to start thinking about what I am going to do.  I am sure I can do more with this, but I will have to try some more things.  I have one or two ideas, but I am a bit worried that I am not very good at this.  Oh well, hold onto next week, and see what I can do for it then.

I am going to always do a gallery with the original image, and each one that I have manipulated, I like being able to see each one, and I hope you do too.

If you want to see Week 1 here is the link.

One Image 4 Ways – Repeating one of the original challenges Week 1

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  1. I love the processing, the tree looks far longer blowing far to the left! I think you should try to put some kind of face on the tree at the far right side. The tree would then have very long hair blowing in a powerful wind! 😮

    1. Thank you John, yeah I thought it would be fun to make the tree longer and more dramatic. Not sure about the face, lol.

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