Floral Friday – A rain soaked Daisy


It has been raining here quite a bit and the flowers in the garden are suffering from it a bit. They seem a bit soaked, or drenched, not sure. It is also nice to see that many things are starting to flower. I planted quite a few bulbs, so I’m looking forward to them flowering. I want to be able to have a garden that I can photograph all the time. It would be nice not to have to spend too much time travelling to other places to get photos of flowers.

This was taken with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 on my D800. It is, by far, my favourite lens for doing macro, and I have been told that Lensbaby now have a Velvet 85. I can’t wait to get my hands on that one and try it. It might take over from the 56 as the penultimate macro lens for me.

Today I have a daisy. They have started flowering in my garden again after a long break during winter. I love daisies.


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    1. That’s wonderful news, though there are many different ways of doing so you don’t have to spend a fortune. I love the Velvet 56 and it is much cheaper than a macro lens. I don’t use a tripod for my macro, I do it all hand held, I like the freedom of that. I’ve tried using a tripod but got very frustrated. Thank you.

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