Tasmanian Wanderings – Cruising along the Arthur River

A quick post today. We had a very relaxing day today as we did a boat cruise along the Arthur River. It was spectacular to see a part of Tasmania that really hasn’t been touched by man. No logging, or fishing or anything really. Just wild bushland and then rainforest.

I took over 800 photos and will need time to go through them. Hoping I got some great images of the White Sea Eagle and then some Wedgetail Eagles. So many photos of the river and when we stopped for lunch we took a walk into the rainforest where I was hunting fungi.

It was a great day. Everyone on the cruise was lovely and we chatted and shared our stories.

I played around with doing a panorama on my phone.

I watched a woman on the boat doing a panorama and I wondered if I could do one using the moving boat. So I turned it on held it still and let it go. I think it turned out fine.

It was a great day, but I’m really tired now, so I am going to leave it here.

Once again the photos are from my phone. There will be more posts on this when I get home.


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  1. Such a beautiful place, wow! Your phone is doing a great job, Leanne. Maybe we don’t need our big, bulky cameras!

    1. Thank you John. I think it is too John, though I have to keep reminding myself to get it out and take photos with it as well. No, I need the other camera for zooming in, the phone is crap at that.

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