Tasmanian Wanderings – From sunrise in Stanley to sunset in Arthur River

Hey everyone, day 2 in Tasmania has come to a close. I just wanted to say please forgive me if I don’t get to the comments quickly. I don’t seem to have a lot of spare time.

I found myself on the beach in Stanley at sunrise this morning photographing the sunrise with the Nut.

The Nut is a massive rock here. Let me show you.

So that is it. Apparently, it is a volcanic plug, so Sandra found out when she looked it up.

We did move around to other spots to capture it. It was amazing to photograph and it is something that dominates the landscape. It seems everywhere you go you can see it. I will show more photos in a gallery at the end.

Please note all the photos are from my phone today.

Once we got breakfast we headed to the Nut. I was going to walk up to it, but when I saw it and saw how steep it was, well I chose the chair lift instead.

Once you get to the top there is a walk around the top of it, which is pretty amazing. It wasn’t an easy walk, but I am so glad I have been doing lots of walking because I managed to do it without too much trouble.

The views from the top were incredible.

On the way down I decided to walk down and wow, OMG it was so steep. My knees didn’t like it.

Once we were back down we packed up and headed to Arthur River.

On the way we stopped at Green Point in Marrawah to check out the beach.

We had lunch there and then back on the road to Arthur River. We did do one other stop but I didn’t take any photos with my phone.

Once we got to Arthur River we went to the Edge of the World. A really interesting place.

I did wonder if there would be a good sunset with the colour in the sky perhaps that might be a good indicator of a potential good sunset.

It turns out it was.

We are lucky with where we are staying and can get some lovely shots from the backyard.

So we are in for the night. Tomorrow we are staying here and going on a boat cruise. I’m looking forward to that.

That was our day, but here is a gallery of images.

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    1. Thank you Anne, it was, I loved all the things we did. The red frame was funny, took us a while to work out what it was for.

  1. Wow, Tasmania is very beautiful, Leanne! Your phone takes great photos too. Have fun! 🇦🇺❤️

    1. I have to agree John, it is very beautiful. Probably why we keep coming back. Yeah, the phone does a fairly decent job. Thank you.

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