Timelapse videos – the wonder of it

I want to get back into doing timelapse videos again. I was trying to do more a few years ago and then other things got in the way. So today I’m just going to put some of the ones I’ve done the past.

I hope you enjoy them. They are really short, but I do want to get to a point where I can do longer videos with them.

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    1. Your welcome Geoff, it is fun to see it come together. The time depended really, anything from 1 to 20 seconds I think. Hard to know as it was a while ago. Generally I looked at the clouds, or whatnot and looked to see how fast they were moving. The faster it moved the less time I had between shots.
      Thank you Geoff.

  1. Time laps is certainly very interesting. Great examples are shown on NHK Japan under ‘Framing everyday Moments’ and often in short clips between programs.

    What I fing disturbing at times is the combination of time laps with all its busy movements together with pans. Sometimes it is great to add life to otherwise quiet subjects, but many times it distracts from an otherwise great scene.

    1. Yeah they can be Norbert. I love watching it go by quickly. I haven’t seen those, I will have to take a look.

      I like the panning, but I have to admit, I’m not good at it, it is something I’m learning. The pan needs to be much slower. So you don’t really notice it too much. Something to work on. Thank you Norbert.

  2. Love the contrast between the majestic progression of the clouds and light at Point Lonsdale with the apparently frenetic motion of people and waves.

    I have liked timelapse ever since seeing cactus flowers open in Disney’s *Living Desert* film, countless decades ago.

    1. That’s great, I think the timelapse of Point Lonsdale one of the better ones. THere is so much to learn. Thank you.

      I would love to do a flower opening, but it seems to technical sometimes.

  3. These are great fun. It’s been eons since I tried doing time-lapse. Like you, I think it’s time to try again!

  4. I enjoyed your timelapses and it is fun to make them. I only did it once as a try-out. Seeing this, it surely inspired me again.

  5. These are fun to watch, Leanne, I haven’t made a time-lapse video with the iPhone in a long time. You probably use something better.

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