Floral Friday – A little colour in the garden

At this time of the year there usually isn’t anything in the garden, but as the years go on there is more and more out there in the dead of winter. I don’t understand why it is happening, though you often hear that the garden doesn’t know what season it is half the time. I think that might be true.

However, having said that we are having a real winter this year. It has been so cold and hopefully, it will be cold enough for the tulips to flower. This week we have had a lot of rain and it has been cold too. It isn’t good for the solar and that means we are paying for electricity all the time. It can’t be helped, and it is something that we just have to put up with.

So the other day I took the camera out into the garden with the Lensbaby Velvet 56. Being a manual lens it can be hard to get sharp images, but sometimes I think it is good to just go with what you have or what you get.

I can’t believe the jonquils are already flowering. I didn’t expect to see them for another month or so.

Here is another bulb that I wasn’t expecting to see yet.

I can’t remember what they are called. There aren’t a lot of them, but enough for me to take photos of.

The daphne has started blooming too.

I think these flowers have the most beautiful aroma. Though, I keep planting it in places where I can’t really smell it. Maybe I need to get another one and put it in a pot near my front door. What do you think? Do you like Daphne flowers?

Do you have any idea what is happening in the garden? Usually, we start to see all the natives flowering first and then everything else follows, but not this year. The iris are in full bloom and there are a few others as well. I’m confused, so Mother Nature must be really confused. Let me know what you think.

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  1. Bit late catching up with posts, life has been so busy on other things lately. Always like your flower photographs. The flowers in the second picture are called Leucojum. There are a few different ones. I think some of them flower at different times. I have them and they come in January/February time here. I had a Daphne and loved the scent but it grew much too big, much bigger than it said on the label.

    1. I know that feeling RJ. Thank you for the name of the flowers, I know some, but not others. I buy and plant ones that I want to photograph. Oh I have a Daphne that I have had for years and it is quite small, sadly. This one that I have here is a new one and looks different so I will see how big it gets. Thank you RJ.

    1. I’m sorry John I don’t know fahrenheit at all. We have been metric here for as long as I can remember. I never know what temperature it is in the US when people say. The coldest it has been this year is -2.1 but that C.
      Thank you.

  2. I definitely think you should plant another Dapnhe!! Our weather is quite crazy here in Ontario, Canada. We hardly had winter at all last year. Mother Nature IS confused.

    1. Yeah, I think I should too, I wonder if you can propagate them? Mother nature is trying to teach us a lesson I think and if we don’t learn it soon it will just get worse and worse. How is the heat there Newt. Thank you.

    2. The heat has been high! We had our hottest Spring ever. It was 70 in May and 92 in June. We’ve defunitoe made a mess of things, Leanne. My name is Sally by the way. Nice to meet you.

    3. That seems to be a similar story from all around the world. We have messed up haven’t we, but it is hard when money is driving everything. Hello Sally, nice to meet you too.

    4. Yes, the almighty dollar tends to rule, doesn’t it? I don’t know where this is leading us but I fear for those who are homeless and in the elements. One US city lost 300 people due to heat-related illnesses in June. It’s frightening.

    5. It is so sad. It is incredible what happens in Australia and our government participates. I don’t think it is leading anywhere good. I feel and fear for those as well, more so as the number of those finding themselves in those positions grows. It is very frightening. The only way we can change things unilaterally is by voting for the government that will bring about change. Sadly I think too many ignorant people vote with no idea what any party does. We are killing ourselves slowly. I’m kind of glad I’m older and also glad my children decided not to have children.

  3. Same here, my mainstays that come back every year have not come up. My thoughts are, Global Warming. It’s all around us, we can’t always put own finger on it.

    1. Yeah, I think it is climate change, the world is full of extremes, maybe we are seeing it in our gardens as well. Thank you.

  4. I’m far from an expert, but this summer thus far has been cooler than usual and I’m already seeing stuff start to flower that I usually see in August.

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