Floral Friday – Rose from Alowyn Gardens


Last week I missed doing my floral post, so I was determined I wouldn’t this week.

I have been experimenting and trying out the Samyang 100mm 2.8 macro lens and I took it to Alowyn Gardens recently to try out and see how it would go. It is an interesting lens and I have enjoyed using it. Here is one of the images I captured that day, a rose. I took it from the side, and I like how you see the petals jutting out towards you.

I will leave you with my pink rose. I hope you are having a delightful day. My cold is getting better and I’m looking forward to getting some work done.


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  1. It looks fabulous! 🙂 I have some small rosebuds just opening out on my hearth. A different kind of loveliness.

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