Floral Friday: Flowers in the Rain


A couple of weeks ago I was at Alowyn Gardens taking photos of the flowers before and after the rain. Water drops on flowers are fantastic, they really bring out the colours of the flowers.

The images were taken with the Lensbaby Velvet 85 right before it went back. Thankfully, I don’t have to go without one for much longer. One is waiting under the Christmas tree for me.

Here are some of the images taken that day.


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  1. Leanne,
    I really like the pink flower petals(is it a rose?) taken from the side. I have drawn flowers like this from different angels before and it is really fun. I work at the Athens Botanical Garden Of Georgia, U.S. and the sunlight going through plants when it has rained or even if it has not rained is really pretty. I am part of the Athens Photography Guild and it is really interesting seeing what people take pictures of, including plants and how they manipulate the photos if they edit them.(A lot of the APG members heavily edit and manipulate their photos).


    Sam Sutlive
    Artist and Poet
    Instagram name: sutlivesam

    1. I like editing my macro flowers, I like to bring out the nature and beauty, if I can. How lucky you get to work there, that would be amazing, I have a small garden, but I never seem to be able to keep on top of it. I try, but there are a few public gardens I can get to if I want to take photos. Thank you.

  2. I never knew I could shoot flowers the way you have done -simply superb.

  3. Lovely floral pictures! Raindrops always add a special touch to the photos. I wonder who put that special digital gift under the Christmas tree. I once heard someone say that the best gifts are the ones you give yourself. Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas Season, Leanne!

    1. Thank you Peter, I agree, there is something more magical about them. Well, yes, it was me that organised the lens. I learned a long time ago that if I don’t do it myself, it doesn’t happen. Merry Christmas to you and yours Peter, I hope you have a good one.

  4. Hi Leanne…I love these shots, i was going to get some extension tubes for a cheap option for this kind of photography too. Justin =)

    1. I started with extension tubes Justin, they are a great way to find out if you like them, just try to get the ones that will talk to your camera. I got the Kenko ones. Thank you Justin.

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