Floral Friday – Some flowers from the garden with the Lensbaby

I’ve been getting out in the garden with various lenses, though the Lensbaby Velvet 56mm has been on my Fujifilm X-T3 for a while now. As you can guess that is what has been used for these photos.

Even though we had all that heat last weekend I managed to keep everything alive. It is good to finally see so many different flowers in my garden. Each year I try to add new things, though it is getting to the stage that I am running out of room. I might have to do some rearranging.

It has been my dream for quite a few years to have my own macro garden. One that I can just keep going out to and taking photos. I am loving it.

Here is a small selection of what I have at the moment. I hope you like them.

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  1. I’m so glad you have your own garden now. You’re showing us some wonderful images! We’ve had a wet and windy winter. Hopefully now that we can see some sun, it will stay and spring will arrive.

    1. I am too Anne, Shame you didn’t visit this year, you could have come and taken photos. Thank you, glad you are enjoying the photos from it. I hope you start getting some lovely weather soon too.

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