For Floral Friday I headed out to my garden with the macro lens from Struman Optics to take photos in it. I have a class coming up that is teaching people about using their phones in the garden.
Being able to use your phone for photography is amazing and really convenient these days. I find we no longer need to have compact cameras because our phones are so good. My phone is the Google Pixel 3XL and I love it. The photos it takes are incredible.
You have heard me talking about the Struman Optics lenses many times, and I intend to show you more photos taken with it. I got the macro lens that comes with a wide-angle as well out to see what I could capture in my garden.
Teaching at Alowyn Gardens
Part of the reason for wanting to do this is to let you know that I have a class coming up in a week at Alowyn Gardens. The class is all about teaching you how to take great photos of flowers with your phone.
As you may have guessed there will be lenses available for you to try as well. We should have two different types of macro lenses that each participant can try out from Struman Optics. At the end of the class if you really like them then we will have them for sale as well.
The class is $75 and starts at 8am and finishes at 11.30am on Sunday the 24th of November. We start early so we can have the gardens to ourselves for almost 2 hours before it is open to the public.
Morning tea is also included in the price.
The only thing you need to bring is your phone. The lenses fit all phones.
To book just follow this link, booking theĀ Smartphone flower photography
So for you today I have a small selection of flowers that are in my garden.
Enjoy your Friday.
These are amazing. Just from a mobile phone. Technology is scary sometimes the dslr will be replaced no doubt in the future.
Yeah, just from a phone. It is, I don’t know that phones will ever get that good, you are still stuck with a small lens and such, but it is fun to see what you can do with them. Thank you Ange.
Photos of flowers are always enjoyable.
I think so too Margaret, thank you.