Getting something other than flowers

In the last post, I think it was, I showed you a heap of photos that I took with the Lensbaby Composer Pro II and the Sweet 35 optics on my Fujifilm X-S10.

The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show is over for another year. It was fun, but I’m looking forward to staying home this week. It did inspire me with ideas for the garden and I will be getting out there more in the next few weeks.

Now when I was taking all those flower photos I couldn’t not photograph lots of other things with the Lensbaby as well.

I’m still recovering from the week and today I’m just giving you some photos to look at. They are a bit different, but that is what you get with that lens. Let me know your favourite.

Take care everyone and we will talk soon.

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  1. Isn’t it funny how we love the effects of a lens with hardly any sharp zone, plenty of distortion, color-fringing and other “defects”. And then we admire that lens that costs the price of a small car for its immaculate rendition. I have been known to smear Vaseline on a filter in front of my expensive lens …

    1. It is funny that you say that, I totally agree with you. When I first studies photography formally I had a teacher that never thought that just because because a photo didn’t have something sharp didn’t mean it wasn’t any good. I tried doing the vaseline, but then I couldn’t find out. No reason why we can’t use those things still. Thank you Ludwig.

  2. It’s so hard to choose a favorite, but I go with the park scene with the fountain. I love to see sprays and droplets of water captured on film, and this shot is just filled with close-up features I might otherwise not see. Also the pick-up capture. Lovely! (and the “dragon” lurking in the shrubbery.) 🙂

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