Getting the garden ready

As I said the other day I’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden. I really want the garden to work. There is nothing like being able to walk outside and pick what you need to make lunch or cook dinner.

A tour of the garden

Here is a video tour to show you what I’ve been doing out there.

I love looking at photos of what the garden looked like in the past and how it is now. It has changed so much and all the work has been done by me.

Our house

We have lived in this house for almost 28 years now. Funny considering when we moved we had only intended it to be a short stay. I was pregnant with my first daughter and somehow we had been told it would be a good house for about 5 years.

When we were looking we looked for a short-term property never imaging that 28 years later we would still be here.

We have made it our own now and while initially, we had thought we made a huge mistake with the area, we now love it. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

The garden

This is something I’ve had a love-hate relationship with over the years. I was so keen to get into it when we first moved here, but then a baby, a trip overseas, and then another baby meant it all kind of went wild.

I would look at it and just think, there is too much. I couldn’t work out where to start, so I didn’t. It was a mess.

In 2011 we had a huge, I mean huge gum tree removed from the backyard. They pretty much destroyed everything in the yard, but it was like I had a blank canvas, so I started painting. Well, I started planning and trying things. The same happened with the front yard as they put all the mulch from the tree there.

I loved working out there and started a veggie garden and planted flowers. I was really happy with what was happening. Then in November that year, we found out our eldest daughter was sick. This meant that the work in the garden stopped while I looked after her.

I would look out the window and sigh when I saw what was happening. We have always had a problem with blackberries in the garden and while I was busy they took over.

A few years ago I paid someone to come and clear the backyard. They cleared it of everything. Once again, blank canvas, but this time I didn’t start working.

Eventually, I started about 2 years ago, clearing it for myself. Killing the blackberries that had returned.

Last year I really got into it. I won’t say it has been easy because at the end of some days I could hardly move. I loved every minute. On those days when I was tired and sore, I was so proud, felt like I had really accomplished something. So my garden has really been transformed. It has looked a bit messy, but it has really started to take shape now.

Watch the video to see how it is taking that shape and what I’m doing, but also here are a couple of photos.

More things will be changing, but we will save that for other posts.

I have also been thinking about doing a video and a post on our solar journey, so let me know if you are interested in that as well.

Take care and we will talk soon.

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  1. I relate. I have found my garden to be a manifestation of life and how to live it. Your desire for it to succeed mirrors mine and then strength to the aforementioned idea. I bet you like to cultivate good things in your relationships. It’s not always easy to dig up a sticker bush or a briar. Sometimes their Roots run deep. But that’s why God teaches us to have boundaries. Just like a garden. Be blessed. I enjoy your blog.

    1. The best tip I can give you is to just read and watch heaps, look at other photographers. It takes time, I’ve been doing this for almost 30 years and I’m still learning. Be patient. Thank you.

    1. This Summer will be good to see the garden beds full of produce but don’t forget a few flowers among the veges as well. Marigolds are good companion plants for everything 🙂

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