Lens Artist Challenge #296 – Abstract


When I first saw that the challenge this week was abstract, I considered not doing it. I like abstract images, but they aren’t something I do much.

Our host this week is Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography and she chose Abstract. I would encourage everyone to go to her post to see what she had to say about it.

I like to make my own interpretations, though not sure mine is the same. I think of abstract photography images as ones that are distorted and you really have to look to see what they are.

As I said I don’t have many of these, but I have tried to find some. It is interesting to note that nearly all my abstract images have been done in black and white or monochrome. I think it is because when you take the colour out it makes it harder to work out what it is.  Do you agree?

So here are a few images that I hope fit the brief. They were all taken in Melbourne.

Thank you Ritva for the thought provoking challenge and for being out host this week.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. I am glad you joined in. I am a big fan of your architectural photography, and it’s fun to see your interpretation for this challenge. My favorite is the long exposure blurring the people walking by.

  2. the 26 and steve city one stood out to me from these beautiful city images. City rain abstract . They are all beautifully composed and sharp images and still deliver the abstract feel to them- I wouldn’t expect anything else from you

    1. Thank you Ritva. Good to hear which ones you liked. it was a challenge for me, that is for sure, so thank you for setting it.

  3. Leanne. I love your choices, and I agree. the monochrome images encourage us to look a little closer to discover what we are seeing. Yes, I think you brought abstract to light for us. It WAS a great challenge.

  4. You’ve definitely “fit the brief” Leanne – and as always your images are wonderful. I especially loved the header.

  5. I think you’ve done incredibly well, especially with your architectural ones, glass and reflections worked amazingly.

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