Lens-Artists Challenge #301 – Floral

So, this is a great challenge. I love challenges that plays to my strengths as I love flowers and I love to photograph them.

The Lens-Artist Challenge for this week has been set for us by Sofia from PHOTOGRAPHIAS and it is Floral.

I did read what she said and it is how we photograph them or process them. I don’t think there is anything special about the way I process my floral photos, but I do like to experiment with how I photograph them.

I have several pieces of gear for flowers, though I don’t want to go into it too much here. I love my macro lens and my Lensbaby lenses as well. I will choose between them when I want to take photos. It really depends on what I want to achieve.

As for what I try to capture, I don’t know that I can really explain it. I see different things with each flower. I do try and get different angles when I’m photographing them and then I see which ones I like when I see them on the computer. I do have flowers that I like to photograph more than others, like Dahlias, but there are others that I struggle with.

Here is a gallery of flowers that I love to capture.

This next gallery is mainly Australian natives. I find these really hard to photograph. The ones with the bits sticking out are really hard. It doesn’t seem to matter what aperture you use. I might have to get into some macro stacking I think.

Thank you Sofia for this great challenge.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. You always bring out the best in everything you touch, Leanne. These are just heavenly – and I love especially your native flowers. They are so different and delicate. I see why they are difficult to photograph. In my glass house I have acacia and bottlebrush – so, I love them dearly. But never manage to photograph them properly. You do.

    1. They have too many things sticking out and it is hard to get much in focus. That is great that you have some, you should get some Grevilleas, they are amazing. Thank you Ann Christine.

  2. I knew I would love your galleries. I especially love your Australian collection, and the puzzle you made. As for dahlias, they are a favorite of mine too. So many different sizes and colors to play with. Lovely!!!

    1. Thank you Donna, our flowers are different. The puzzles are because a company here was making some puzzles from my images.

  3. Leanne, what a stunning collection you shared. All are beautiful. I loved the Australian section, especially.

  4. I knew you were going to excel with this one. Maybe it’s your style of processing that suits florals perfectly and, although for you there’s nothing special about it, they are exquisite for the rest of us 😀 Poetry comes to mind.

    1. It was the perfect choice for me, thank you for choosing it Sofia. That is great that you like them, you had some great ones too. Thank you.

  5. Well done Leanne. These are stunningly beautiful flower images. They remind me of the limits of my cellphone!

  6. Always love your flower pictures. Interesting to see how different some of those native flowers are to European ones and, as a jigsaw fan, I think some of your jigsaws would be very hard to complete. 🙂

    1. Thank you RJ, our natives are different, probably also because of the arid conditions they have to survive in. I love jigsaws too and I agree, some of them would be hard.

  7. Beautiful flowers Leanne. I especially like your native plants. I remember see them at the Santa Cruz Botanical Gardens. Great post!

  8. Glorious blossoms Leanne – although all are beautiful I think the long white flower is my favorite. Your talent has brought out the personality and uniqueness of each the blossoms.

    1. Thank you Tina, I think that one you pointed out is a Angel Trumpet flower. I love those, I have a tree in my garden, and it flowers every couple of months, it’s gorgeous.

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