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    1. That was taken late afternoon, though it is a colour photo, it looks like monochrome because of the sun being behind it. Thank you Suzanne.

  1. A hint from a pastor trained up in an indigenous tradition. grieving takes at least one full calendar cycle. Celebrate every special day. It will help. As for the images… the colors distract from the powerful emotions that are seared into the black and white. At least that’s what I think.

    1. I don’t think you are alone Brian, I have friends who feel the same way. I like colour and with that it was early morning, so you get to see the colours of the sunrise. Thank you Brian.

  2. moody. very moody. like.


  3. I would love to see this place in person, Leanne! By the way, your a day off, it’s Saturday morning in Las Vegas… πŸ˜‚β€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

    1. Thank you Don, we do have some interesting beaches here, I think the ones in these photos are the reason why so many people come to visit.

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