Silent Sunday – One flower and 3 different ways to looks at it



Black and white




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  1. In addition to your lovely photos I enjoyed reading which ones other people have picked as favourites. I see a few have chosen the black and white version, whereas for me that is the one I like least. It lacks the ethereal beauty of the infrared and the vibrant punch of the colour!

    1. I have found that interesting too, it always amazes me how people like different ones. I am with you about the black and white, I like what the infrared does and I love the colour of the last one. Thank you Sarah.

  2. This is great, Leanne. Now I can really see the difference between infrared and B&W. Both very unique in their own way.

    1. I’m glad you like it Lois, I thought it would be good to show how the infrared doesn’t really take into account the colour, whereas the black and white does. Thank you Lois.

    1. Thank you Anne, the red is such a gorgeous colour. I love the infradred too, I like how it is all about the shape and texture.

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