Floral Friday – Thinking about dahlias
It is getting to that time of the year again when I have to work out what I need to do for my dahlias. Most of them will be fine, but I have some in […]
It is getting to that time of the year again when I have to work out what I need to do for my dahlias. Most of them will be fine, but I have some in […]
Welcome back. As we spoke last week we talked about maybe having other hosts for Monochrome Madness. I’ve had a couple of people reach out and we’re trying to work out the details. I think […]
One of my all-time favourite flowers is a red dahlia. It has dark green foliage and I’ve been trying to get it for my garden for a few years now. However, I always seemed to […]
I wish I could say that I’m perfect when it comes to taking photos, but sadly I am far from it.
It has been a while, but I’m having a go at making videos and trying to decide if showing me is worth it. I know that sounds strange, but stick with me.
There is a good reason why floral Friday is late, and that would be that I don’t have a lot of access to my computer at the moment.
We have put ourselves in self-isolation so for monochrome madness I have done a dahlia in black and white. It was a quick process.
Yes, that’s right Floral Friday is very late, but not cancelled, unlike many other events around Australia at the moment. For me, the worst one is the flower and garden show.
Now that I have the Fujifilm X-T3 I find I’m limited when it comes to macro, but I did get the Lensbaby Velvet 56 for it and the photos for Floral Friday were taken with […]
While my dahlias are going well there are new flowers in the garden and I thought I would share them with you today for Floral Friday. Two are new and one is just reflowering.
For floral Friday I wanted to you some more dahlias from my garden that have started flowering. There are 12 plants and now 5 of them are flowering.
My garden has it’s first dahlia flowering and I thought I would share it with you for Floral Friday. I am really looking forward to seeing more in the months to come.
Today I have converted a dahlia for Monochrome Wednesday. One thing about these posts is that it is another opportunity to experiment.
When you love macro photography, especially when photographing flowers we get ones that we love or become our favourite. For me, mine would have to be dahlias.
After yesterday’s post it seemed like a nice idea to show you a flower from my garden. This is one of my dahlias. It is growing well.
This time of the year can be so depressing for macro photography, then again if you look you can find some beautiful flowers. So, for today’s Floral Friday I found a few flowers from the […]
Quite a few of you expressed an interest in seeing Floral Friday again, so I thought why not start today. It also seemed like a good time to mention that it isn’t long now to […]
Here we are on Easter Sunday and I haven’t been doing a lot. This morning I spent some time in the garden with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 and Samyang 100mm Macro lens. The garden is […]