Welcome to 2021 everyone

It seems like an appropriate thing to welcome everyone to 2021 as it is the new year and after last year, well it is nice to see that one end.

Things are pretty much going along the same here as they always have.

From then to now

I have been rather slack and I know that it has been a while since I last posted. Though, I have been very busy with lots of other things.

Working on doing more YouTube videos so I can talk rather than type has been a bit of a motivator. I may continue doing that more. The videos are still a bit awkward, but, as with all things, hopefully, practice will make them better. Still haven’t put my face on them, but I think that is coming.

You can no doubt guess that I have another video for you taken this week. There are some updates about what I have been doing in the garden. Though I’m also having some problems, so I would like some help.

I also thought it would be nice to do somethings in the kitchen as well. So I hope you enjoy that as well.

Happy New Year

This is probably going to be the way I will do things for a while, see how it goes. So new year, new things to explore.

I do want to wish you all a very happy new year. It certainly can’t be worse than last year, that’s for sure. Let’s hope we can go and socialise at some point again without having to worry about a virus.

Take care everyone. Stay safe and healthy.

Welcome to 2021 everyone

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  1. I think your garden looks wonderful…especially since it is winter where I am living. Do pick your veggie often. The more you pick the more the plants will produce. Tomatoes do like to have air flowing around them and lots of sunshine. Also, if you have issues with leaves turning yellow and dropping off the plants you may need to add calcium to your soil. Happy gardening!

    1. Thank you Cindy. I don’t get to pick much because it is still growing, but I can’t wait until we can get lots from it. I keep planting and such, our summer will go until near the end of April, so I am hoping I have another 3 months out there. I pick when things ripen. Okay, thank you for the tips about the tomatoes, I don’t think the soil if great around there, so I will look into the calcuim. Thanks again Cindy.

    2. Aww, snow, I love snow, probably because I never see it. I was almost 30 years old before I saw it for the first time and I was in Denmark.

    3. I have to say, from what I’ve seen I am kind of glad it doesn’t snow here. I mean the heat if horrible, but really the best thing to do in that is just sit and keep still. lol

    4. We get our share of cool temps in the spring and fall and hot humid weather during the summer. The four seasons are an amazing adventure.

    5. They are, we get a winter, but not with snow. Though our summers are starting earlier and finishing later, autumn lasts about 3 weeks now, same with spring. The snakes are out earlier and earlier and not sleeping till later. Thankfully, we rarely get any humidity, we tend to get dry heat.

    6. I don’t like the long summers, they depress me quite a bit, I always look forward to the cooler months. I don’t like the snakes either, they scare me. Someone posted a photo on social media this week from around here, they had a tiger snake in their garden. They are the most aggressive snake and also poisonous. Yuck. I do love our dry heat too. Humidity is exhausting.

    7. Oh my! The most annoying pests in my garden are bunnies and voles. I think I would rather have bunnies than your snakes. Your garden is gorgeous though! Cooler months are relaxing.

    8. I had a rabbit living in my front yard at one stage, but I don’t know if it is still there. They are annoying. Yeah, I am with you on that too, though I am so glad I have never seen a snake in my yard.

  2. Wow, Leanne!!! Look at your garden grow! I am far from an expert, but I do think that at least part of your tomato problem is lack of sun? But my goodness, I am envious of your veggie garden! I’ve got some way to go… 🙂

    1. Yes, lack of sun could definitely be a problem, I’ve heard that from a few now. I’m also starting to wonder if it is the soil as well.
      I do tend to over do things a bit, when I start something I just go for it. lol. I am quite proud of it. Thank you Zelmare.

    1. Thank you Sherry, all the best for the year ahead. I hope what has been happening there isn’t impacting you as well.
      No, it is a hydrangea, quite a weird one it would seem.

  3. You have created a lovely productive garden. Yes pick often as it either encourages new growth or will let those left get more nutrients Some of those vines could grow up the fence Pick and use Zucchini flowers great recipes around with ricotta or soft cheese. A real winner in a romantic dinner 🙂

    1. Thank you Bushboy, I think a lot of what is happening in the garden this year has been quite a surprise, but I will know better next year. I need a lot more trellis’s for many things I think. I don’t know about the zucchini flowers, we will see.

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