Finally getting this beauty

One of my all-time favourite flowers is a red dahlia. It has dark green foliage and I’ve been trying to get it for my garden for a few years now. However, I always seemed to just miss out on getting one.

The flower is the dahlia the Bishop Of Llandaff. It is a beautiful red colour and the flowers sit out from the dark foliage.

Recently I got an email that a place had some in stock. There were no ifs or buts, I just went buy. Buy and then it was delivered. I potted it into a pot and the other day I finally got my first flower.

So here is the first flower from my favourite dahlia.

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  1. The red bishop definitely my favourite in that Bishop series – and reds are invariably difficult to capture well so this is a very fine photo

    1. Glad to hear it is a favourite for you too Laura, it is so beautiful. Red is very hard to photography, often changes. Thank you so much Laura.

  2. Wow, I love the beautiful shade of red, Leanne! Such a beautiful flower and photo. โค๏ธ

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