Putting together a time-lapse video
A few years ago I played around with some time-lapse. Mainly small things like the clouds moving the sky and really only did one scene, or one place.
A few years ago I played around with some time-lapse. Mainly small things like the clouds moving the sky and really only did one scene, or one place.
An early morning trip into the city yesterday and I was experimenting with the 14-24mm for some long exposures. It was different and not what I usually use, but I think there is going to […]
As you may have guessed, Facebook is taking up a lot of my time still. Things are starting to move there, which is good, but I’m finding myself quite addicted to watching it grow.
I’ve been going through some of the photos that I took on my trip along the Great Ocean Road back in June. I have three images for you today.
Last weekend I was teaching a One on One at the Melbourne Zoo. It was the first time I have done one there, but I hope it isn’t the last. It was nice to wonder […]
After yesterdays post, I thought it might be nice to do one that was less stressful for me, and for you. Today I am just going to show you an image, just one, but hopefully […]
For quite some time I’ve been wanting to do some new work. There is always some apprehension when you start something new and a lot of procrastination can occur before hand. That has certainly been […]
A poppy from Alowyn Gardens. Taking photos of it last week and watching the bees having a great time.
The other night I was teaching a workshop at Docklands and we did the sunset then took some photos around the harbour down there.
Yesterday, I had a trip to Alowyn Gardens. I think it is one of the best places to test lenses for macro photography. Right now there are flowers everywhere. It was fantastic to see it […]
Just recently I showed you the images I took at Port Arthur with my normal camera, the Nikon D800. Here is the post so you can look at it, Port Arthur Historical Site in colour. At […]
More trees on rocks from my time in Tasmania. This is also from Binalong Bay and was taken on the same morning as the other image I took of the first tree on a rock. […]
Since getting back from Tasmania it has been busy, though not in the ways I thought it would be. I have started realising that while writing is good, I need to promote myself more, so […]
Earlier this week a parcel arrived and in it was a new lens that Lensbaby have loaned to me, the Velvet 85. It is part of the Velvet series. I’ve been using the Velvet 56 […]
It has been almost a week since I got back from Tasmania and I have landed back in Victoria running. I’m trying to finish a photography job I have for the local council and I’m […]
It is a silly question really, because it all depends, well, on a lot of things. When I went to Tasmania I took the Infrared (IR) camera with me. I wasn’t sure I would use […]
Before we left for Tasmania we knew we had two days to spend in Port Arthur. We had planned all along to go to the Port Arthur Historical Site, but that still left a day […]
It has been a couple of weeks since I did one of these. It is nice to get back into it and I loved finding so many flowers in my garden when I got home. […]
While in Hobart I had an opportunity to go out with my friend Fi to do a sunrise. She knew a good place to go, so she picked me up and took me down to […]