MM 220 – Theme Circles
It is time for MM 220 and as it is the first Wednesday of the month it is time for the theme, which was circles. Not many entries, please enjoy.
It is time for MM 220 and as it is the first Wednesday of the month it is time for the theme, which was circles. Not many entries, please enjoy.
Here we are again and it is our theme for this month. Apparently we have done seasons before, but I don’t think it matters, it is bound to happen from time to time. So we […]
It seems about time that we got to the Monochrome Madness 212 and the theme boats. I’ve been looking forward to this one, I hope you have too.
It seems that quite a few of you had trouble with this Monochrome Madness 207 which is the theme Relaxation. I understand it. It was a hard one this time. I will have to make […]
It is time for the next Monochrome Madness, it is number 203 and a theme. The theme was From Under and the entries have been blowing me away as they have been coming in. I’m […]
Seems this theme didn’t quite get the creative juices going. Not many entries for it, which is sort of disappointing. I have to admit I did have an idea of what I wanted to do, […]
It seems you all enjoyed this theme for MM 195 and lots of images of street art and graffiti have been coming in for it. It has been really surprising to see how different monochrome […]
That was a longer break that I had thought I was going to take, but I’m back now and ready to get this show on the road, as the saying goes. Things are going to […]
Turning out to be quite a week here. So busy I can’t seem to catch up. However, here we are and it’s time for the next theme, Up in the Air. It has been a […]
What a great theme. Some wonderful responses have come in for it. I have loved seeing them, I always do.
The lack of numbers for this one seems to show how it has snuck up on us all. Either that or people didn’t like the theme, I like to think it is the first one. […]
It is theme week, I do look forward to them each month. I didn’t think I would be a theme sort of person, but I like to see what I can do for them. I […]
Welcome to another week of Monochrome Madness and this week it is time for the them, WILD. It was a great one I think and the difference in the entries shows a lot of different […]
This one snuck up on me, I almost forgot about it completely, and then last week someone asked the question, and I thought, yes it is next week. Here we are and there have been […]
This one caught me by surprise. I thought I had weeks to go and then on the weekend I realised it was now. So amazing that we are at another theme already. It has been […]
We made it, here we are at our third anniversary. It is an amazing feat, and I’ve met some amazing people through the process. MM certainly isn’t what it was in the beginning, and while […]
Well it would seem many of you were stumped with this one. I thought it would be interesting, but many of you seem to have had trouble with it. Culture of course can mean many […]