Struman Optics macro lens and a discount
Since you all seemed to enjoy the last post I did on the macro lens for your phone, I thought it might be nice to do a follow-up.
Since you all seemed to enjoy the last post I did on the macro lens for your phone, I thought it might be nice to do a follow-up.
Last week I received a new parcel in the mail and it was a macro lens for my phone from Struman Optics.
For Floral Friday I headed out to my garden with the macro lens from Struman Optics to take photos in it. I have a class coming up that is teaching people about using their phones […]
Part of the reason I wanted flowers in my garden was so I could use flowers in it for Floral Friday so today it was back into it. These were taken with the Struman Optics […]
For Floral Friday I thought I would head out to the garden with the Struman Optics macro lens on my phone. As spring gets closer there is more to see.
It has been one of those weeks, so I thought for Weekend Wanderings I would repost the one I did of Docklands through a fisheye. Sometimes it is hard to get out.
To I used the Struman Optics phone lenses for floral friday and I thought we could look at some photos of flowers that I took today with my phone. I’ve tried to get my garden […]
The other day I found myself photographing a bridge with a fisheye lens. Actually, I was doing it with two, one on the camera, and one on my phone.
If you love dahlias, then you would love to do some weekend wanderings around Country Dahlias in Winchelsea. It is quite an amazing place.
Today I was at Alowyn Gardens to talk about some macro photography classes. While there I spent some time playing around the fisheye lens from Struman Optics on my phone.
One of the things that I love about visiting the MIFGS each year is catching up with the Struman Optics team and their lenses. This year I’ve been playing with a new macro lens for […]
Yesterday was the first day of the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show and opening day was massive. There were so many people there.
Finally, got out again today to the Blue Lotus Water Gardens. It is nice to get another visit in, though many of the water lilies are done, but we did manage to get something different.
For today’s Weekend Wanderings I thought I would give you a look around some of the exhibits at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden show. For most of the days I went I was using […]
Christmas is sneaking up fast and when I sat down to think about it I realised I better get shopping. Thankfully, I don’t have to do a lot and there aren’t that many people I […]
It is wet in Melbourne, really wet. The forecast is for heavy rain over the next few days, flash flooding and more flooding. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I mean the way we […]
It has been an interesting week, of course the arrival of the Nikon D850 has made it that more exciting.
Time is so short at the moment, but I really want to fill you in on what has been happening around here. Facebook is taking up so much time, and I do need to get […]
Have I told you about the new phone lenses that I got from Struman Optics?